标量数据类型:数字类、字符类、日期类、布尔类(boolean)、复合数据类型:记录(%rowtype)、表、数组引用类型:REF CURSORLOB类型:BLOB、CLOB1.系统定义的记录:%rowtype
使用%rowtype属性定义记录变量:可以基于表或视图定义记录变量当使用%ROWTYPE属性定义记录变量时,记录成员个数,名称,类型与表或视图列的个数, 名称,类型完全相同.1.1 在select语句中使用PL/SQL记录
declare v_emp emp%rowtype;begin select * into v_emp from emp where empno=7788; dbms_output.put_line(v_emp.ename);end;1.2 在insert语句中使用PL/SQL记录
declare dept_record dept%rowtype;begin dept_record.deptno:=50; dept_record.dname:='administrator'; dept_record.loc:='beijing'; insert into dept values dept_record;end;1.3 在insert语句VALUES子句中使用记录成员
declare dept_record dept%rowtype;begin dept_record.deptno:=60; dept_record.dname:='sales'; insert into dept (deptno,dname) values (dept_record.deptno,dept_record.dname);end;1.4在UPDATE语句中使用PL/SQL记录
在SET子句中使用记录变量declare dept_record dept%rowtype;begin dept_record.deptno:=60; dept_record.dname:='sales'; dept_record.loc:='shanghai'; update dept set row=dept_record where deptno=60;end;在SET子句中使用记录成员
declare dept_record dept%rowtype;begin dept_record.loc:='guangzhou'; update dept set loc=dept_record.loc where deptno=10;end;1.5在DELETE语句中使用PL/SQL记录:只能在DELETE语句中的WHERE子句中使用记录成员
declare dept_record dept%rowtype;begin dept_record.deptno:=50; delete from dept where deptno=dept_record.deptno;end;2.用户自定义记录 首先定义类型,在声明该类型的变量。2.1 定义记录类型 declare type emp_record_type is record( name emp.ename%type, salary emp.sal%type, dno emp.deptno%type); begin null; end;语法: type 记录类型名 is record( 属性名 数据类型, ... );2.2 定义记录类型变量 emp_record emp_record_type;语法: 变量名 记录类型名;declare --自定义类型emp_record_type type emp_record_type is record( ename emp.ename%type, sal emp.sal%type); --定义变量,变量的类型是emp_record_type emp_record emp_record_type;begin --变量赋值 select ename,sal into emp_record from emp where empno=&no; dbms_output.put_line(emp_record.ename||' '||emp_record.sal);end;2.3 在select into 语句中使用自定义记录
--set serveroutput on declare type emp_record_type is record( name emp.ename%type, salary emp.sal%type, dno emp.deptno%type); emp_record emp_record_type; begin select ename,sal,deptno into emp_record from emp where empno=&no; dbms_output.put_line(emp_record.name); end;2.4 在select into 语句中使用记录成员
declare type emp_record_type is record( name emp.ename%type, salary emp.sal%type, dna emp.deptno%type); emp_record emp_record_type;begin select ename,sal into emp_record.name,emp_record.salary from emp where empno=&no; dbms_output.put_line(emp_record.name);end;3.游标
当在PL/SQL块中执行查询语句SELECT和数据操纵语句DML时,ORACLE会为其分配上下文区(CONTEXT AREA),游标是指向上下文区的指针。对于数据操纵语句和单行SELECT INTO语句来说,ORACLE会为他们分配隐含游标。使用显示游标处理多行数据。3.1 显示游标操作3.1.1 定义游标语法:cursor cursor_name is 子查询;例1:declare cursor cursor_emp is select * from emp;begin dbms_output.put_line('定义了一个游标');end; 3.1.2 打开游标:执行对应的SELECT语句并将SELECT语句的结果暂时存放到结果集中.语法:open cursor_name;例2: declare cursor cursor_emp is select * from emp;begin open cursor_emp; dbms_output.put_line('打开了一个游标');end; 3.1.3 提取数据打开游标后,SELECT语句的结果被临时存放到游标结果集中,使用FETCH语句只能提取一行数据语法:fetch cursor_name into variable1,varibale2,...;例3: declare cursor cursor_emp is select * from emp; v_emp emp%rowtype; v_counter number:=1;begin open cursor_emp; loop fetch cursor_emp into v_emp; dbms_output.put_line('提取一行数据'||v_emp.ename); v_counter:=v_counter+1; if v_counter>20 then exit; end if; end loop;end; 3.1.4 关闭游标语法:close cursor_name;例4: declare cursor cursor_emp is select * from emp; v_emp emp%rowtype; v_counter number:=1;begin open cursor_emp; loop fetch cursor_emp into v_emp; dbms_output.put_line('提取一行数据'||v_emp.ename); v_counter:=v_counter+1; if v_counter>20 then exit; end if; end loop; close cursor_emp;end; 3.2 显示游标属性用于返回显示游标的执行信息,包括%isopen,%found,%notfound,%rowcount3.2.1 %isopen:确定游标是否打开 语法:if cl%isopen then ... else open c1; end if;例5:declare cursor cursor_emp is select * from emp; v_emp emp%rowtype; v_counter number:=1;begin if cursor_emp%isopen then null; else open cursor_emp; end if; loop fetch cursor_emp into v_emp; dbms_output.put_line('提取一行数据'||v_emp.ename); v_counter:=v_counter+1; if v_counter>20 then exit; end if; end loop; close cursor_emp;end; 3.2.2 %found:检查是否从结果集中提取到了数据 语法:loop fetch c1 into var1,var2; if c1%found then ... else exit;end loop;例6: declare cursor cursor_emp is select * from emp; v_emp emp%rowtype;begin open cursor_emp; loop fetch cursor_emp into v_emp; if cursor_emp%found then dbms_output.put_line('提取一行数据'||v_emp.ename); else exit; end if; end loop; close cursor_emp;end;3.2.3 %notfound 检查是否从结果集中提取不到数据
语法:loop fetch c1 into var1,var2; exit when c1%notfound; ...end loop;例7: declare cursor cursor_emp is select * from emp; v_emp emp%rowtype;begin open cursor_emp; loop fetch cursor_emp into v_emp; exit when cursor_emp%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('提取一行数据'||v_emp.ename); end loop; close cursor_emp;end; 3.2.4 %rowcount:返回到当前行 为止已经提取到的实际行数语法:loop v_1:=cursor_name%rowcount;end loop;例8:
declare cursor cursor_emp is select * from emp; v_emp emp%rowtype;begin if not cursor_emp%isopen then open cursor_emp; end if; loop fetch cursor_emp into v_emp; exit when cursor_emp%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('第'||cursor_emp%rowcount||'个雇员: ' ||v_emp.ename); end loop; close cursor_emp;end; 例9:declare cursor cursor_emp is select * from emp; v_emp emp%rowtype;begin if not cursor_emp%isopen then open cursor_emp; end if; loop fetch cursor_emp into v_emp; exit when cursor_emp%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('提取一行数据'||v_emp.ename); end loop; dbms_output.put_line('游标总行数'||cursor_emp%rowcount); close cursor_emp;end;3.3基于游标定义记录变量
例10: declare cursor emp_cursor is select ename,sal from emp; emp_record emp_cursor%rowtype; begin open emp_cursor; loop fetch emp_cursor into emp_record; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('雇员名:'||emp_record.ename ||',雇员工资:'||emp_record.sal); end loop; close emp_cursor; end;3.4参数游标
定义参数游标时,游标参数只能指定数据类型,而不能指定长度.语法:cursor cursor_name(parameter_name datatype) is select_statment;例11: declare cursor emp_cursor(no number) is select ename from emp where deptno=no; v_ename emp.ename%type; begin open emp_cursor(&no); loop fetch emp_cursor into v_ename; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(v_ename); end loop; close emp_cursor; end;例11-2:字符参数 declare cursor emp_cursor(p_job varchar2) is select ename from emp where job=p_job; v_ename emp.ename%type; begin open emp_cursor('&p_job'); loop fetch emp_cursor into v_ename; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(v_ename); end loop; close emp_cursor; end; 例11-3:两个参数 declare cursor emp_cursor(p_no number,p_job varchar2) is select ename from emp where deptno=p_no and job=p_job; v_ename emp.ename%type; begin open emp_cursor(&p_no,'&p_job'); loop fetch emp_cursor into v_ename; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line(v_ename); end loop; close emp_cursor; end;--30 SALESMANbegin
for rs in (select ename from emp where deptno=&no and job='&job') loop dbms_output.put_line(rs.ename); end loop;end;3.5 使用游标更新或删除数据
要通过游标更新或删除数据,在定义游标时必须要带有FOR UPDATE子句。语法:cursor cursor_name(parameter_name datetype) is select_statement for update;for update子句用于在游标结果集数据上加锁,防止其他用户在相应行执行DML操作。使用游标更新或删除数据时,可以在UPDATE后DELETE语句中引用WHERE CURRENT OF子句。语法: update table_name set 列名=值 where current of cursor_name; delete table_name where current of cursor_name;3.5.1 使用游标更新数据例12:declare cursor emp_cursor is select ename,sal from emp for update; v_ename emp.ename%type; v_sal emp.sal%type;begin open emp_cursor; loop fetch emp_cursor into v_ename,v_sal; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; if v_sal<2000 then update emp set sal=sal+100 where current of emp_cursor; dbms_output.put_line(v_ename||'工资增加100'); end if; end loop; close emp_cursor;end;例12-2:declare cursor emp_cursor is select ename,sal from emp; v_ename emp.ename%type; v_sal emp.sal%type;begin open emp_cursor; loop fetch emp_cursor into v_ename,v_sal; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; if v_sal<2000 then update emp set sal=sal+100 where ename=v_ename; dbms_output.put_line(v_ename||'工资增加100'); end if; end loop; close emp_cursor;end;3.5.2 使用游标删除数据
例13:declare cursor emp_cursor is select ename,sal,deptno from emp for update; v_ename emp.ename%type; v_sal emp.sal%type; v_deptno emp.deptno%type;begin open emp_cursor; loop fetch emp_cursor into v_ename,v_sal,v_deptno; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; if v_deptno=30 then delete from emp where current of emp_cursor; dbms_output.put_line(v_ename||'被删除了'); end if; end loop; close emp_cursor;end;例13-2:declare cursor emp_cursor is select ename,sal,deptno from emp; v_ename emp.ename%type; v_sal emp.sal%type; v_deptno emp.deptno%type;begin open emp_cursor; loop fetch emp_cursor into v_ename,v_sal,v_deptno; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; if v_deptno=30 then delete from emp where ename=v_ename; dbms_output.put_line(v_ename||'被删除了'); end if; end loop; close emp_cursor;end;3.6 游标FOR循环
使用FOR循环时,ORACLE会隐含的打开游标,提取游标数据并关闭游标语法:for record_name in cursor_name loop statement1; statement2; ...end loop;每循环一次提取一次数据,在提取了所有数据后,自动退出循环并隐含的关闭游标3.6.1 使用游标FOR循环 例14: declare cursor emp_cursor is select ename,sal from emp;begin for emp_record in emp_cursor loop dbms_output.put_line('第'||emp_cursor%rowcount||'个雇员: ' ||emp_record.ename); end loop;end;3.6.2 在游标FOR循环中直接使用子查询
例15:declare i number:=1;begin for rs in (select ename,sal from emp) loop dbms_output.put_line('第'||i||'个雇员: '||rs.ename); i:=i+1; end loop;end; 3.7 使用游标变量PL/SQL的游标变量中存放着指向内存地址的指针.3.7.1 游标变量使用步骤包括定义游标变量,打开游标,提取游标数据,关闭游标等四个阶段1)定义ref cursor类型和游标变量 type ref_type_name is ref cursor [return return_type]; cursor_varibale ref_type_name; 当指定RETURN子句时,其数据类型必须是记录类型,不能在包内定义游标变量2)打开游标 open cursor_variable for select_statement;3)提取游标数据 fetch cursor_varibale into variable1,variable2,...;4)关闭游标变量 close cursor_varibale;3.7.2 游标变量使用示例
1)在定义REF CURSOR类型时不指定RETURN子句在打开游标时可以指定任何的SELECT语句例16:declare type emp_cursor_type is ref cursor; emp_cursor emp_cursor_type; emp_record emp%rowtype;begin open emp_cursor for select * from emp where deptno=10; loop fetch emp_cursor into emp_record; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('第'||emp_cursor%rowcount||'个雇员: '||emp_record.ename); end loop; close emp_cursor;end;2)在定义REF CURSOR类型时指定RETURN子句
在打开游标时SELECT语句的返回结果必须与RETURN子句所指定的记录类型相匹配.例17:declare type emp_record_type is record(ename varchar2(10),salary number(6,2)); type emp_cursor_type is ref cursor return emp_record_type; emp_cursor emp_cursor_type; emp_record emp_record_type;begin open emp_cursor for select ename,sal from emp where deptno=20; loop fetch emp_cursor into emp_record; exit when emp_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('第'||emp_cursor%rowcount||'个雇员: ' ||emp_record.ename); end loop; close emp_cursor;end;3.8 使用CURSOR表达式
CURSOR表达式用于返回嵌套游标结果集不仅可以包含普通数据,而且允许包含嵌套游标的数据语法:cursor(subquery)例18:declare type refcursor is ref cursor; cursor dept_cursor(no number) is select a.dname, cursor(select ename,sal from emp where deptno=a.deptno) from dept a where a.deptno=no; empcur refcursor; v_dname dept.dname%type; v_ename emp.ename%type; v_sal emp.sal%type;begin open dept_cursor(&no); loop fetch dept_cursor into v_dname,empcur; exit when dept_cursor%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('部门名:'||v_dname); loop fetch empcur into v_ename,v_sal; exit when empcur%notfound; dbms_output.put_line('雇员名:'||v_ename||',工资:'||v_sal); end loop; end loop; close dept_cursor;end;例19:
begin for rs in (select dname,deptno from dept where deptno=&no) loop dbms_output.put_line('部门名:'||rs.dname); for rs2 in (select ename,sal from emp where deptno=rs.deptno) loop dbms_output.put_line('雇员名:'||rs2.ename||',工资:'||rs2.sal); end loop; end loop;end;